Monday, July 31, 2006

Proud to be a Tyke :)

Tomorrow is Yorkshire day :) now Im well aware this has probably just been invented for touristy reasons but I dont care :) Am a northerner and proud as many of you know. I thought I would use the oppertunity to make you all talk proper like what I do lol...(Im only including the ones Ive used or have heard of...)

A bad-un (A bad person)
A banger (A sausage, and also a small firework that makes a very loud noise after being lit and thrown away)
A brew (A cup of tea)
A bugger (A bad person - but was previously used for a person that practiced sodomy)
Aye (Yes; it is pronounced the same as the letter ´I´ in the alphabet)
Ay-up! (A surprised, but warm, greeting. The "Ay" is pronounced like the first letter of the alphabet)
Bab (Faeces, or the act of excretion - also known as "Baba"; a word used by children. Can also be used to describe something that is useless or bad)
Baccy (Tobacco)
Barney (An argument, or to argue)
Barn-te'r (Bound/sure to do something)
Bairn (Child - although this is disputed as to whether it has true Yorkshire origins)
Be-fuddled (Confused)
Benny (A tantrum i.e. to throw a Benny/throw a tantrum)
Bevvy (Beer)
Berth´ day suit (In your birthday suit: naked - being the same as when one was born)
Blatherin´ (Talking a lot, but saying nothing)
Bogus (Something not quite right - probably illegal)
Boots fer Bairns (A charity that gave donated shoes to - presumably - shoeless children) this one made me laugh
and it goes on, have a look yourself

For Kate...
'On Ilkley Moor Bar-tat' is possibly the most famous of Yorkshire songs, and to answer many queries, the phrase "Bar-tat" translates as, "Without a Hat".

Cow & Calf rocks on Ilkley MoorWear 'as tha-bin since ah saw thee,

On Il-kley Moor bar-ta--at?

Wear 'as tha-bin since ah saw thee?

Wear 'as tha-bin since ah saw thee?

On Ilk-ley Moor bar-tat

On Ilk-ley Moor bar-tat

On Ilk-ley Moor bar-tat!

Thar's been´a co-ortin' Mary Jane

On Il-kley Moor bar-ta--at

Thar's been´a co-ortin' Mary Jane

Tha's been´a co-ortin' Mary Jane

Thar's barn-ter t´catch thee death a'co-ed

On Ilk-ley Moor ba-ta--at

Tha's barn-ter t´catch thee death a'co-ed

Tha's barn t´catch thee death a'co-ed

Then we shall-ha' to bury thee

On Il-kley Moor bar-ta--at

Then we shall-ha' to bury thee

Then we shall-ha' to bury thee

Then´t worms 'll cum and eat thee up

On Il-kley Moor bar-ta--at

Then´t worms 'll cum and eat thee up

Then´t worms 'll cum and eat thee up

Then´t ducks 'll cum and eat-up worms

On Il-kley Moor bar-ta--at

Then´t ducks 'll cum and eat-up worms

Then´t ducks 'll cum and eat-up worms

Then we shall go an' eat-up ducks

On Il-kley Moor bar-ta--at

Then we shall go an' eat-up ducks

Then we shall go an' eat-up ducks

Then we shall-all-'av etten thee

On Il-kley Moor bar-ta--at

Then we shall-all-'av etten thee

Then we shall-all-'av etten thee




Why does my tea taste of biscuits?

I couldnt be bothered to get out of bed this morning, but then it started raining, very much raining so I had to go make sure the cat was inside (arent I a nice person) this involved going and making the strongest cup of tea in the world with about 20 sugars. The amount of sugar is probably why it tastes like biscuits. Cat loves tea. Tea sends her crazzzzzzzy!
My spider plant looks like its nearly deaded...must go water it... brb
Right thats needs turning a tad cos its all growing that way **points** I might prune the deadness off it...
Convincing Frankie she wants to go outside, cos I want to go outside! I like rain and its way more exciting than sitting inside all day!

What Im listening to- Something Corporate-Walking By


I cant sleep
I have a headache
Guy on the radio is talking bout dead children
I cant read the answer on quizmania

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Here we go again :)

The time has come my little friends to get back into Storm work, yes I know its July but theres stuff to sort. At the moment I have two shows that might look like they conflict in content so have requested show proposals so I can make sure that doesnt happen!
Bizarrely looks like we are going to have 2 politics shows this year, The Forum and something entitled The Referendum which is Spencers creation. Now at the moment I am not quite sure how these 2 programmes will differ! The Forum currently contains politics from the SU, an interview, maybe a feature... and some debate and I think this is what Spence intends on including, hmmm. We shall have to wait and see

Friday, July 28, 2006

In other news...

Elephants 'hate climbing hills'

Elephants don't appear to like climbing hills, experts have discovered.
Scientists used a special satellite system to follow elephants across Africa and found that few of the animals chose to walk up slopes.

Experts think the reason they try and avoid them is because it takes more energy to walk up hill than walk on the flat, meaning they have to eat more.

By avoiding hills the massive animals save energy and don't have to worry about finding so much food on the way.

Monster Fish Head South
Updated: 13:05, Tuesday July 25, 2006

Giant fish that can weigh more than two tonnes have been spotted off the Cornish coast.

Sunfish - the world's largest bony fish - are normally found in tropical waters.

But experts believe they have been lured to the south west by warm seas which have created an abundance of their favourite food - jellyfish.

In total, 19 Sunfish were spotted during a two hour aerial survey off the county's western tip.

Also seen were basking sharks, porpoises and seals as well as jellyfish.


The survey was carried out by researchers from the University of Exeter's School of Biosciences, the Marine Conservation Society and Cornwall Wildlife Trust.

Lecturer Dr Brendan Godley said: "This sudden influx of these beautiful, giant fish was a fantastic surprise.

"We only spotted the sunfish lying on their side at the surface so there may have been more below the waves.

"This is the first time we have spotted them during our surveys, and we think they have arrived here in order to take advantage of anticipated jellyfish blooms as the summer sea temperatures rise."

Sunfish got their name as they lie at the sea surface on their side as if sunbathing.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

How many names can a person have?



Vimto is breakfast food :)

Im having a good day :) (Ok its only 12.20 but so far tis yayful)
-My TV is working, theyve obviously stopped trying to prevent planes flying into it.
-I had sleeps! this is prob due to the fact The Mint is showing the same quiz again so me and Spence couldnt play...
-Ive decided Vimto is a breakfast food :) Well its not really a food its more of a liquid but its pretty and purple. Also why when youre drinking vimto why do you burp pineapple when it has no pineapple in it? maybe thats the secret ingrediant? Wow Im clever today!
-As you may have guessed, I am ever so slightly, just a tiny bit, an ickle teeeny bit Hyper!
-Oooo I know what else was it (it came out backwards and I couldnt be bothered correcting myself) TOP CAT was on! I missed Top Cat! there was a horsey on it...

I think on the strength of this post I should go lay down...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Ive forgotton what I was going to blog! lmao!
...will let you know when it comes back to me...


Just a quick rant
- They are fitting air craft avoidance (I think thats the official term, basically pretty flashy lights so airplanes dont fly into it) on top of our tv mast thingy (wow Im so technical!)
-Window cleaners shouldnt be so fcking loud! I didnt get to sleep until 430 and they woke me up at 10! bastards!
-"Guess what? wait no Im not going to tell you" if people want to keep their genetalia they shouldnt do that! cough *spencer* cough

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Things to do when you cant sleep number 1

Play Quizmania with Spencer
"WTF is a super-rat?"
"a super hero rat?"

or "The Mint"
"14, or 12, or 1, or 52..."
"It says add the numbers..."
"but ninteen and five are written are they numbers?"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

When Peeing becomes an international incident-Part 2

Day 2-Czech with a Yorkshire accent

Very, VERY tiring day today. Were you aware that the temperature in Prague reaches 37 degrees? No? Neither were we, will teach us to do our research better in future though, wont it?. This was the day of our walking tour and despite the copious amounts of sun cream applied I still managed to get burnt. I have some very attractive strap marks now, I’ve always wanted stripy shoulders!
Our tour began at Prague Castle, on route to which we passed various bridges (much like the Thames in that respect) including the famous Charles Bridge, a miniature version of the Eiffel Tower (looks more like a large TV aerial) and a giant metronome (No, I don’t know why either) Once we had reached the top of the hill where the castle is situated we followed the tour guides green umbrella through the throng of other tourists, all speaking different languages and melting from the heat. Prague Castle is the largest medieval castle complex in Europe and comprises of the Saint Vitus Cathedral, several palaces, viewing towers, museums, galleries and St Georges basilica. The cathedral is the most impressive out of these buildings, an extremely large gothic building with incredible stain glass windows made up from tiny pieces of coloured glass, the effect with the light shining through was amazing. Now in this cathedral there is the tomb of Duke Wenceslas, aka “Good King Wenceslas” from the Christmas Carol, I didn’t know that he had actually existed. He even has a statue! I’m still waiting to find out if there’s one dedicated to Rudolph the red nose reindeer.

Obligatory MEN post!

I dont half attract some weirdos! am talking to a guy at the moment who says I am like alka seltzer cos I am fizzy, good and I make him feel nice! God help me...

Stupid things no one needs to know but are quite interesting...

If you go down to the woods today youre sure of a big suprise...


Jack Jacks guide to politics...bless him

Jack - Yes, I like my coffee hot and strong... Like I like my women: hot and strong... with a spoon in them! says:
I know that the big boss is Blair

Jack - Yes, I like my coffee hot and strong... Like I like my women: hot and strong... with a spoon in them! says:
and the little boss is cameron.... but the little boss has no power because the big boss is in charge

Jack - Yes, I like my coffee hot and strong... Like I like my women: hot and strong... with a spoon in them! says:
yeah each of the bosses have a posse

Ahhh kids say the funniest things :P

An idiots guide to politics...

How to find your MP

Whos who in cabinet...I like this it has pictures...

Whos who in the it me or are the toreys uglier?

The lib dems

The last general election? Why is Bangor green? Ahhhh Plaid cymru. btw play with the map its lots of fun!

While we are on elections...


Should cover anything you dont know bout that...

and finally a list of everything...

...Its a cold and its a broken hallelujah

Im in a bad mood. Comes when people greet you with "Oh isnt your brother here?" meh. I do however want some custard socks and to marry Alan Davis he amuses me, I wanna watch Jonathon Creek.
Things we have learnt tonight-
I have legs-I was wearing a skirt n nearly killed people with the shock.
I apparently dont eat-According to my uncle...hmmm
Family parties are boring!
PSP=potential shag partner, new Cat and Frankie slang.
Spence reminds my mum of someone but shes not sure who...
Speaking of Spence, you kept me entertained! Ill return the favour at some point...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

why me n frankie should never live together...

Eating digestives with anything runnier than digestives...pickle

I hate editing,,,

“When going to the toilet becomes an international incident”-Travels through Europe with my middle aged mother.

Even though I am probably a little old to be going on holiday with my mum, the opportunity of a free holiday exploring some of Eastern Europe seemed too good a trip to miss out on. There are plenty of articles telling you how to travel with children, how to entertain them and prevent them from becoming bored. Unfortunately there are no such articles about how to travel with your mother. I think after this I may write one.

Day 1-Because Planes don’t reverse into mountains.

The punch line to a very old joke, but it seemed particularly apparent as I sat just behind the wing on my flight to Prague. Our seating could be considered either a blessing or a curse. A blessing because planes indeed do not reverse into mountains but a curse because we were unable to see the safety instructions so if we did infact reverse into said mountain we wouldn’t have a clue what to do.
Fortunately after a relatively uneventful flight we landed in Prague airport. Having explained to my mother that she couldn’t find her luggage because she was stood by the luggage carousel from the Nottingham flight and she had infact flown from Leeds/Bradford we went through arrivals to find our tour guide. I’d been expecting a female, so you can imagine my surprise when we were greeted by a vertically challenged Geordie man, who we later learned he’d been doing the job for 30 years. It showed with his well weathered but impressingly suntanned face. We had somehow lost 2 members of our party, aptly named “The Tinkers” whilst he tried to locate them it gave me chance to take stock of our tour group; 2 over 90s, a man who looked like he had misplaced his spitfire, a Trevor McDonald look alike and a menagerie of equally bizarre husbands and wives. “The Tinkers” given up for lost we carried on to our communist tower block hotel, called the “Hotel Duo” because, surprisingly, there were 2 tower blocks. How very inventive.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

One more song for the radio station! :)

Im back :) turns out the rest of the hotels didnt have internet so I couldnt keep you very updated with my holiday but I will post my seren article on here when I have done it. I so far have the title and the introduction. Am doing it in kinda a diary format, should be fun.
Anyway I have been asleep since, well when I gt back! My holiday was amazingly knackering, I havent been up that early in years. Hmm what has happened today?
We got the final go ahead for the studio (I blogged it first! yay!)umm Ive been asleep, I just had an insane phone conversation with Spence and Tomtom, bless them they are very hyper! They christened me Penelope Pitstop which is nice :) I miss uni :( only 8 weeks left till I go back :o Yay :D **dances** Ive gone tremedously hyper lol

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How would you like your Cat cooked sir?

I am sunburnt! My shoulders, back, chest and a lil on my nose are a lovely shade of red. Its ok if boys get sunburn, at least they have an all over redity but if you are a girl you have to study the indecency of strap marks, Im all stripey! Meh!
Today was our day in Prague (we have another one on sunday but thats besides the point) Me, being the bright spark that I am, left my radio at home. I cant sleep without some form of background noise (arent I odd) so I didnt sleep very well last night. I did on the other hand learn to play poker on my phone, an ability which Im sure will come in most handy some day!. So my mother decided to wake me up at 7am (6am your time) because we had to go get breakfast and according to the lift (who asks lifts for their information?!) the busiest breakfast times were between 7 and 9. This is all very well but I had been awake at 4. 430. 5. 530... O well.\ Breakfast was an interesting affair, I had chocolate cake for part of it. You gotta love a country who serves cake for breakfast! and about 15 cups tea (perhaps a bad idea) Then off we went on our ickle coach for our WALKING tour of Prague. We did all the sights from the Castle at the top (which has a memorial to St George even though he is our patron saint) to the Charles Bridge at the bottom. On the way we stopped at Marks and Spencer...My mum wanted a "Proper cup of tea" how quintacentially English of her. She also managed to explode some milk everywhere which was funny (to me) After that we had a futher wonder around Prague. I found the most amazing ice cream in the WORLD! It was Nutella CHOCOLATE SPREAD! soooo yummy! I have had 2 ice creams today. Its been sooo fcking hot that we needed it (thats my excuse anyway) the second one was a very large kinda cookie affair with lots of ice cream, crushed cookies and cream yummy yummy yummy.
Tomorrow morning I have to be up ridiculously early. We have wake up calls scheduled for 645 because we are leaving the hotel for Budapest at 8. Apparently it is going to take about 10 hours. But this is because we are have a 2 and a half hour lunch break in Bratislava. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia (to the best of my knowledge if I am wrong please correct me) So we have gone from the capital of Czech and the capital of Slovakia... I wonder what Bratislava was when the country was czechslovakia... Which I really must stop calling the place. Our hotel tomorrow is UBER posh...if you want to look it up its "The Grand Margarets Hotel Budapest" Ahhhh how nice it is to be upgraded! We are there tomorrow night and the night after...the night after next we are supposed to be having an Hungarian folk evening. O god.

Things I have learnt from Prague...
1-Dont call it Czechslovakia
2-Eastern Europe does get VERY HOT in summer
3-Everyone speaks English (its very much like Wales all the signs are in both languages, theres just less sheep)
4-Never say @"Thank You" until you have recieved your change. Here Thank You means 'Keep the Change'
5-Czech beer is gooooooood
6-Dont come here if you are vegetarian

Incidentally there is a man outside who is playing an accordian. He just played 'She'll be coming round the mountain' Im in hysterics.

I will attempt to update in Budapest...
Love a sunburnt Cat

Monday, July 10, 2006

Why is it better to sit at the back of a plane?

I have just worked out how to ask for the internet in Prague, now before you get too impressed I should tell you...The information desk lady speaks English.
It has been a very very very very very very long day! I woke up about 6am this morning even though I didnt have to up till seven (its sods law isnt it) and I watched the Hoobs. They were finding out about different types of cakes. They were going to make a Birthday cake but then they realised it wasnt anybodies birthday, they were then going to make a wedding cake but then they realised none of them were getting married. I never found out what happened in the end because I decided I had better get up and get my ass in gear, if anyone knows please tell me?
745-My mums friend Joan arrives at our door. It took us an hour and a quarter to get to the air port because of all the traffic. On the way I discovered that Joan liked flowers, she had been all over the world and that she didnt infact drive over 20 miles an hour.
900-Try and explain to my mother how you check in at an airport, she of course knows best even though she has never flown before.
1120-Take off in plane. Decide that my Mp3 player is a lot more fun to lsiten to than the screaming kids and the scary guys infront of us
1230 flying some more...
1300 land in Prague. I have a text from Sarah telling me that she has over plucked one eyebrow. This of course is essential information while I am trying to find my luggage! I text her back to tell her I was on holiday and she advised me not to have a bust made of myself. Much as I love her shes a very strange girl.
1330-We have lost 2 members of our tour group. we have to wait for them.
1400-We are still waiting...
1414-We decide to go on without them and the very tiny and very camp little man who is incharge of my welfare for the next week informs the coach man that we did infact want picking up. Incidentally the coach mans name is broache. I thought that was a kind of breakfast bread but maybe thats just me?
Maybe at this point I should tellyou a little about my tour group. As I havent actually spoken to any of them to learn their actual names I have christened them-
Interesting Hat man, because has has an interesting hat.
Trevor Mcdonald-The likeness is uncanny!
The nearly dead-I swear 2 of the group are like 90!
There are also lots of men with facial hair who are with women with bad gold jewellry and fake tans.

Right I really need to go have a bath because I cant feel my lower half and my foot has gone to sleep. If you are expecting a postcard from me I will try n post them tomorrow, If you are not expecting a postcard and want one, I probably dont have your address.
Love a slightly frazzled and surrounded by OAPs

Btw its because have you ever seen a plane reverse into a mountain?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Holiday :)

Right lovely little bloglets, I am going away :( (sad I know) but I will be back :)

Monday-Flying to Prague
Monday-Flying Home :)

Feel free to text me if you need me tho, I might even text you back lol

Friday, July 07, 2006

Return to the welshness

Im very shattered today, I dont think my body is used to large amounts of exercise!
Yesterday we went Bangor, we being Me, Jack and Sarah (friends from home) as much as I love the place it is a tad far for a day trip but it was fun non the less. The weather was...boiling! But we had great fun. Dave (one of the few stormees left in the welshness for the summer) tagged along and we had a merry tour of Bangor, from the wonder of Mikes Bites to the pier :)
Never let on to a male person you are ticklish tho, I spent most of day being tickles by Dave, he seemed to think it was funny...hmmm...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Things to play with...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Are star signs to be believed?

Go for the bizarre today. Do you normally avoid the kitchen? Bake a cake. Are you a bland eater? Try some hot sauce. Do something so out of character that everyone asks for the source of your courage

Im always bizarre, I am infact "mad as a hatter" if certain sources are to be believed...

Daily Singles:
Gifts, fancy dinners, flowers -- that's kids' stuff, and you're all grown up. The person who'll catch your fancy now meets you on your own intellectual ground -- and challenges you there.

True...but flowers smell pretty, as do fancy dinners depending on what youre eating...

Dating an me...

Insights into Likes, Dislikes, Motivations and Desires

Taking an Aquarius out could be the easiest or hardest dating experience of your life. Aquarians like anything different, new, technological or progressive. If you are feeling up for it, take your Aquarius on an adventure date -- windsurfing, hang-gliding or spelunking. Think out of the box, because for this Sign, anything goes. How about a political rally, a midnight bike-ride, a trip to the science museum or kite flying? Get creative, and don't shy away from something intellectual -- your Aquarius will love you for it.

Windsurfing? umm no...hang gliding? jumping off a mountain with a kite strapped to! and what the fck is spelunking?
A political rally...sure...a midnighr bike ride? that sounds fun! must remember lights museum? IS THAT LIKE EUREKA? I LOVE EUREKA!! Kite flying? I havent done that in yeaaaars! And yes I do like intellectual...

Suggestions for the perfect date:

go snowboarding together, play a virtual-reality game, go to the zoo, go to a political rally, go to a conference, take a midnight hike in the forest, go skinny dipping, cook sushi together, go to an interactive art exhibit, go skydiving, go camping, take a yoga class together, go rock-climbing indoor or outdoor, go for dinner at a place that serves really foreign food, go parasailing, fly a kite together, go to an air show

Snowboarding? Id fall down...A lot, A virtual reality game? hmm. Go to the zoo? OMG YES, political we have had. Conference?! lmao Midnight Hike in the forest...again would need lights, Skinny dipping? why nt...Sushi I love! Interactive Art...Would I get to paint things? Sky Diving...umm ok? Camping? Sounds fun as long as we can make smores, rock climbing...I would fall...foreign food doesnt bother me! Parasailing might harnesses are ouchie kites are yay...air show...hmm?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Star Signs...

Right I thought I would evaluate my horoscope from today, having nothing better to do...

Why is it that the richest people are always the ones looking for more? Your quest for greater fulfillment (emotionally or materialistically) is a waste of time. Today you realize that you have more than you could ever really need. Wanting more is no crime, but your energy is much better spent taking stock of what you already have -- and appreciating the people in your life. Get together with loved ones and experience a new level of gratitude.

ok thats just psycho poo but basically I should be happy with what I have because what I have is good...ok I can live with that...

Daily Singles:
Not only can you make new connections with the greatest of ease, you've got near-ESP when it comes to seeing people for who they are. Engage that perception and explore interesting territory

This is good, I see people for who they whos interesting territory can I explore? ;)
