Thursday, March 08, 2007

My house is an interesting place to live...

A ring master, Audrey Hepburn, a camp pirate and MARIO!
...we also have a kettle called Gregory...I forget why.

Monday, March 05, 2007

A Change Will Do You Good!


This post was inevitable really wasnt it. I would just like to say to those few people who do actually read my blog that they should firstly vote and secondly who Id like them to vote for. Now anyone who saw me in lectures today will have seen me prancing about in my "Vote Spencer" tshirt, and Im sure most people would assume Im merely voting for him because he is my boyfriend. I do, however, have my own mind. Who wouldnt want to vote for a president who wants to represent the students, listen to their views and be accessible. Being head of news this year has just highlighted Sams short comings to me. At most universities people know who their union president is. If you had asked people last year they would have been able to tell you that it was Rob, even if it was purely only for the video he made! However when 56 students were asked who Sam Burnett was only 6 people knew. This is not right. We need an SU president who puts the students first. Sam argued that people in the union and in Bangor knew who he was...he doesnt represent them though does he!

Vote Spencer for President, for someone who actually knows how to represent the STUDENTS

Monday, February 19, 2007

Air Guitar...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Who is Sam Burnett?

We asked 56 people who Sam Burnett was...6 knew. Now I may be wrong here but shouldnt the Students Union President be known by more that that? He does represent us afterall! If you read his blog he disagrees...naturally.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Radio Dinners

I have had the busiest weekend in the world, Storm is back on air! which is very yay! but now the work begins for the rest of us. I have a "The Forum" planned for tomorrow because I have to plan now seeing as I have 3 lectures tomorrow :(

Also today (thats not very grammatically correct is it...) Spencer's Mummy and Trevor came up and took us out for sunday lunch (Thanks again, it was very yummy!) and we went in a drive in their shiney car to...wait for it...TESCOS! but we got chocolate pudding so beggars cant be choosers!

Today I learnt that my boyfriend steals train think you know someone!

Today I have been mostly...

At the moment I am sat in the studio doing work whilst Spencer and Jimmy do SNL! This is what I can see at the moment...


The face says it all....

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's not death...its Obe one Canobe!

This shows you should never talk to your boyfriend when he is half asleep. Apparently death was on the stairs in main arts, then Richard Hammond took him into the car park and then...then it wasnt death at was Obe one canobe! I havent laughed so much for ages, which of course woke him up and he wasnt happy! lol
Its been the week of birthdays, it was Spencers on Tuesday, its Alexs today and it is mine on Saturday! All very exciting but I must get back to most haunted lol

Monday, January 01, 2007


As I wait for ChittyChittyBangBang (shut up it's happy!) and whilst I watch the football score for the boyfriend (He's out and about somewhere watching some other football) I thought I would do my first post of the New Year. The main reason for this is so that I can feel as though I have done something productive today. So far today I have...

8.ooam-Been woken up by Spencer's alarm but as it is raining we decide to go back to sleep.
9.00am-Alarm goes off again, Spencer gets up and has a shower but I decide yet more sleep is needed. It's amazing that even after 8 hours sleep I think that I deserve a nap.
930-10am-Have breakfast, get Spencer packed and ready to go, see Spencer off...wait whilst he messes around in his car for 10 minutes (This was whilst I was stood on my front doorstep in my dressing gown which Im sure was entertaining for the neighbours)
10.20am-Spencer leaves, I start to watch Friends downstairs, decide my bed makes a better viewing place...
13.10pm-Woken up by hail against window and thunder and lightning.

Then I had lunch yadda yadda yadda but as you can see I havent had a very productive day as yet. Ive just informed the bf that his team are 2-0 down so he's not going to be very brothers just questioned my using the internet! It's not his connection :( Anyway thats about all I have at the moment. Nothing earth shattering or anything but then there never is round here. Bangor again on Saturday YAY!!! xx