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Star Signs...

Right I thought I would evaluate my horoscope from today, having nothing better to do...

Why is it that the richest people are always the ones looking for more? Your quest for greater fulfillment (emotionally or materialistically) is a waste of time. Today you realize that you have more than you could ever really need. Wanting more is no crime, but your energy is much better spent taking stock of what you already have -- and appreciating the people in your life. Get together with loved ones and experience a new level of gratitude.

ok thats just psycho poo but basically I should be happy with what I have because what I have is good...ok I can live with that...

Daily Singles:
Not only can you make new connections with the greatest of ease, you've got near-ESP when it comes to seeing people for who they are. Engage that perception and explore interesting territory

This is good, I see people for who they are...now whos interesting territory can I explore? ;)


Ooooh! oooh! I'm interesting territory! Many psycho-analysts are baffled by me!

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