Sunday, May 28, 2006

Actual Blog

I thought I should do an actual blog, mainly because I have nothing to do now I have finished being mounted by Spence...
Today I have had an extremely lazy day. I woke up at gone 1, I love my empty flat no body to wake me up! Then I went to Keira's room to watch anastacia with my lovely housmates for next year (barring Alex who has left us sniff...) (its struck me I keep using lovely I should probably use a different adjective other than lovely..)

Maybe the word - 'nice' ? << (Spencer)

shows his limited midland vocab doesnt it children...

I am in the studio with the illustrious (thats like 3 to me I think Dave...wait I dont think you read this... I am using parenthesis waaaay too much!) Jimmy and Spencer because I got a phone call asking for my assistance...that is very different from resistance...and persistance....and omnipitance come to that!
Apparently we are now going for Pizza, because someone mentioned Pizza and made me not my fault really...
I must depart abientot xx

Things we have learned today

Dont leave your blogger logged in when Spencer is about...Love ya Spence :-p

And Spencer will one day rule the world!!

And as ruler he will make doughnuts free of charge to all!!

All hail the Mighty Spencer in all his glory!!

A Spencer shaped retraction...

I have been informed I am to tell you that he does indeed know the difference between a top and a bra...I am indeed very sorry Mr Station Manager...

Friday, May 26, 2006


Now a written blog...
Today it seemed everyone wanted to see me on the same day! So I had lunch in Varrrrrrsity (its official pronounciation) with the lovely Keira, where we ran into the lovely Alex and his lovely boyfriend Jay. Then I went to meet Dave (who is now marbee for reasons I wont go into) and we had lovely scones on the pier and talked for ages. I know I keep banging on about this but I MISS NORTHERN BOYS they are a different species! and we had a fantastically weird and wonderful conversation centering mainly on Badgers. Then we went to watch the Storm boys play football, where JackJack turned purple, which is a sight to behold!
Then there was edit suiting then drinking and much pool playing!
On a slightly more poo note, I was woken up at some unearthly hour by the flat! THEY ARE LEAVING SATURDAY!! YAY!!! So party round mine then?? lol xxx

Officially a very cute picture

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Be Bold, Positive, Decisive...

Is it wrong to still be in your Pjs at this time of day? ahh well...
I have been very decisive of the last few days, and for someone who normally spends ages going "Dont give me decisions!" I have decided certain people in my life arent productive anymore (lets just leave it at that shall we?) So numbers have been deleted from my telephone.
On a slightly more up beat note, keira is back in hour! We shall have a week of missions and expeditions and general fun things :) I like general nothingness which is always good. There really isnt a point to this blog, I think I am avoiding getting dressed...I should get dressed tho cos I have to go past Late Stop on the way to Keira, I need pain killer...ouchie!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

News Flash-Im A Girl!!

Once you have all picked yourself up off the floor etc its true. Today me and the lovely Sarah went for lunch and shopping. I love shopping and I bought som deliciously feminine yet walkable in shoesies (among other things) I went shoe shopping, discussed boys and looked at cuddley things :) While Im on a roll I may even watch a girly movie...but then again I could just watch Black Books "Im eating Scrambled Egg with a comb FROM A SHOE!"

Monday, May 22, 2006


This Blog is purely for Jackjacks benefit...

A Day in the life of Cat....
Wake up at 7 because the people who come to empty the bins are being noisey...And btw if you are gonna wake me up mr men AT LEAST EMPTY THE BIN! CHUH!
Put the radio on to Radio Wales...Go back to sleep...
Wake up at 12...decide its too early...more sleep
Wake up at 2 think "F*ck!"
Get up, have a shower and wash hair so I now smell nice
Have dinner, (God bless dairylea!)
Do work (work smells)
Do more work (work still smells)
Do Laundry (my laundry no longer smells)
More Work
Have a biscuit
Have another biscuit
Have another biscuit...
Have another biscuit...
Go on a mission to the studio
Stay there
Come home :)
Msn until stupid oclock
Wonder why i dont wake up until 2 :)
Gotta sort some stuff proper blog later xx

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Chris Moyles, who is the self styled "Saviour" of Radio 1 started a on air race debate whilst interviewing Halle Berry;

Moyles made the remarks in yesterday morning's breakfast show during a strained interview with 'X Men' actress Berry and her co-star Hugh Jackman.
Asked by Jackman whether the tubby DJ could be a double for James Bond, Moyles adopted a thick American accent and said: "I could definitely do that. Put your hands up in the air! I'm a black American guy. A big fat black guy. I don't wanna be shooting yo' ass."
Berry responded frostily: "Are we having a racist moment here?"
The BBC has vociferously denied claims that his remarks were in any way racist, with Moyles responding, "Not at all. I just can't do American accents."

Ok maybe he wasnt intending to be racist, but what he said was obviously offensive to his "audience" and he should be more considerate. If he was merely trying to do an american accent why did he say "Im a black american guy. A big fat black guy" by distinguishing the colour it automatically became an impression of an ethnic minority.

On a slightly more serious note, I think that the way people are becoming desensitized to death in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Using the wonder that is Google News (I seriously love the thing, me lacking a TV and all...) and going on World News there are 3 stories involving the deaths of people due to various acts of terroism. Unfortunately, as this is a regular occurance in todays society we seem to think about it with the attitude of "Some more people have died in *Insert place here*" I have to admit Ive been guilty of it myself. To avoid this kind of attitude here are the stories:

Authorities in Indian Kashmir say an attack by Islamic militants on a rally in Srinagar has killed at least seven people, including two attackers, and wounded more than 20 other people.
The attackers hurled grenades and fired bullets at a ruling Congress Party rally to honor the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was assassinated in 1991

A suicide car-bomber driving a taxi killed himself and two Afghans on Sunday in what appeared to be have been an attack on international forces in the capital.
No foreign troops were hurt, a spokesman for a NATO peacekeeping force said.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the latest attack in a wave of the worst violence the country has seen in years.
The blast was on a main road in the east of the city, where foreign forces have bases and where they have been attacked several times in the past.
"A suicide bomber, the driver of another vehicle and a passer-by have been killed," an Interior Ministry official said.
Well over 100 people, most of them militants but including many Afghan police, four foreign soldiers and an American civilian, have been killed since Wednesday. Most of the violence has been in the south.

TWO French special forces officers were killed in Afghanistan yesterday in renewed clashes with Taliban militants that threaten to further destabilise the war-torn country.
The French officers died during a firefight in the Kandahar region, the French Defence Ministry said. Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie expressed her condolences to the victims' families and reiterated her support for the coalition forces fighting in Afghanistan.

Makes you wonder what kind of world we are living in doesnt it.

Ok, so this hasnt been in the news but I picked up on it yesterday. I was in Tescos, as I generally am (I need to spend less time there) and was buying Eggs. You may think this is not really worth mentioning but I will elaborate. Both Spencer and myself were buying eggs, I bought Welsh Free Range Eggs and he bought ones from battery hens, because "They are cheaper and bloody good eggs!"Now Im not going to start going on bout not going to Tesco because it is a global conglomerate or anything but surely we should have some morals.

The Battery Hen spends all her laying life in a cage crammed in with three and up to seven other birds. Her only exit is to the slaughterhouse.
Cages are kept in huge artificially lit sheds. The hen stands on thin sloping wire - her feet and legs crippled. She cannot perch, preen, scratch in the dirt, dust-bathe, spread her wings, or escape to a quiet place to lay an egg - all activities known to be extremely important to the behavioural needs of a hen.Stressed and crowded hens peck at each other. Therefore farmers cut off a third of the chicken's beak with a hot wire guillotine. This causes severe pain at the time and the chicken may die of shock. Also the nerves in the beak stump are still active and the hen suffers pain for months, perhaps years afterwards. Many have great difficulty eating for the rest of their lives.

Ok for the sake of the 30p extra I paid for my eggs I am not buying into this, I think its worth it dont you? Sorry for having a little rant there but theres some things its worth paying that little bit extra for, Free Range and Fair Trade.

Finally, whilst scanning the UK news...

Plot thickens over Ben Nevis piano

not one lot of idiots, but 2 decided it would be fun to drag a piano all the way up Ben Nevis....Idiots.

Irrelevant rambles

Things I have noticed after having been up for 20 minutes:
1-It's raining
2-Sleeping past 2pm when you know you should be doing something more useful is fun
3-Flatmates never let you sleep
4-I need breakfast
5-I should really tidy up

Now thats not bad observationing for a half asleep Cat is it?! I think Ill sort the breakfast first...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Tescos, curries and bras

Apparently it looks like Im not wearing a top today. But then this might just be Spence...He seems to get a vest top confused with a bra...I pity the woman that ends up with him.
In other news, hmm...Keira has an interview with Funeral for a friend :) See email harassment pays off people! You heard it here first. I am also stupidly tired, not sure why I think its because I havent had any caffiene tday. This is what happens when people ask you to go to Tescos 5 minutes after you get up! Not that I am not greatful, means I got a yummyful curry for my lunch and bready type products OOOOoo and biscuits....I want my biscuits...

Friday, May 19, 2006


Made a classic Cat comment tonight. I had been asked, while in the presence of two Storm lads, which of the Storm lads I found most attractive. Now, I couldnt really leave them out of it so I said "Oooo obviously you two!" then altered it, because one of them wasnt single. I changed it from both of them to the single one. Jack (who has a gf) then pointed out that I could say that a lad was attractive without wanting to shag them. I therefore altered my answer to "Ok you are the most attractive and I want to shag you" Which thinking about it was probably not the best of things to say....He didnt seem to mind tho!

Quick blog because I have to meet Jack in bout 20 mins. Last night was the storm social :) I love Storm peoples and as usual it was complete madness. Wow look what I just worked out how to do!!
Highlights of the social were the mass petting of dave, Will being a crab and...will being a crab!
Strictly speaking I probably should have done this last night...more later

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I am conducting an experiment...Are Tesco's own fruit shortcakes as good as Mcvities. The answer is shockingly yes they are! Ok so they are slightly different, the shortcake is a little shorter (as in crumblier not as in less tall) and there is a distinct air of mixed peelyness, much like a christmas pudding. Right now my experiment is finished (I had lost my biscuits until today) What else is happening in the world of Cat?
Tomorrow is D day...technically E day....EXAM! bah! It is critical interpretations which is not good. On the plus side the lovely keira has helpeth me so now it should all be ok...hopefully... Tomorrow night is the social, all I can say is THANK GOD (which is a weird thing to say for an agnostic) an evening to relax and have a few drinks with my friends after trying to learn about why TS Elliot believed that the author was not responsible for the text. Bah
Right back to the revision :( Someone come save me? And bring tea!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Crotchal Injuries and Hugging

Ok, blogging before I go die in a pit of literary criticism. What has happened the last few days? Well yesterday was a revisioning session, without the revisioning...I had my crotch injured, I was drawn on and I got a sparkley windmill but didnt do much in the way of revision. My crotch injury and the being drawn on were all down to Dave. We were in the radio studio so we could put The Forum on and so started having chair wars. One of his theories to prevent me from injuring him was to force my legs apart, all I can say is OW! the drawing on me was also down to dave, I am currently a human doodle. Just a final musing, I have been in a very huggy mood of late. Really random huggings! Hugging is good :) I must get dressed...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The concept of northern flirting explained for those of you of southern persuasion-To a northerner saying "I Love You!" to someone who has just done something good/impressive does not infact mean that you love them. To us it merely means "Yay You" or "wow you like the same thing as me" Equally petting someone is not flirting. I am going to use an example here to ilustrate my point. Jack (the afore mentioned Manc) can quote large sections of Red Dwarf from memory, even to the point of carrying on from where I had left off. This, to me, was very impressive so I went "OMG I LOVE YOU" I have another example to illustrate the large cultural divide. I was in the studio on Friday (I practically live there at the mo) doing No Added Sugar with the Mancs. I was being annoying and attacking Dave by prodding him with my finger. He promptly grabbed my finger and licked it. This is something only a northern lad would do, I have been licked by multiple people in my time including my lovely frankie but the fact I was licked was not flirting. I quickly grabbed his arm and licked him back incase you were wondering....
The point of this is that I have become the "Storm Hussy" because I am friendly. Chuh! Discrimination against friendly people!
Listen to Storm 87.7Fm Monday Evening 8 oclock, THE FORUM!!!! xxx

Friday, May 12, 2006

How to burn your arm on hair straighteners...

Right, for the many thousands of you who have asked me how I managed to burn my arm on my hair straighteners (which I think I have since broke...) heres how I did it. I was straightening my hair (obviously) and I dropped my glasses...seeing as I cant really see without them I decided it would be a good idea if I put them back on...Cat...Hot object with no seeingness NOT GOOD! I put my straighteners across my legs n bent down for my glasses. However my straighteners were then dangling over my legs and whilst picking up my glasses I caught my arm on the hot bit! OWWWIE!
Anyway...Moving on. Keira has lefted me again! but tis for Cassies 18th so she is excuseded and she is back Monday. I am on no added sugar tonight...I randomly made an appearance last week but Im on it properly this week :)
More Later xx

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have been instructed that has to be the title of my blog, so it is. I should explain...or I sound very odd indeed, but then that is nothing new. I had intended to spend the day doing work but it was nice out so decided a walk was in order instead. I went on a wander with Jack and Dave (Who will now collectively be known as "The Mancs" because they are) and after our wander we ended up back in Jacks room (I was playing tag along to their boy music session) and there was an incident. An incident involving Jacks deoderant. He went to attack me with it and because of the angle I was sat he unloaded half a can of mens deoderant onto my crotch, this is why my crotch smells of boy!
More later Im sleepy!

Friday, May 05, 2006

New Friends, Long Words, Flirting and The Bangles

It's just another Manic Monday.... ok well it's not actually Monday, it's Friday but it has been manic's a good song! Quick catch up-I am now officially Head of News on the glorious Storm 87.7fm, these people have given me power THEY ARE MAD! I am super happy about it though, I love the news, I love Storm...I love Heads....ok besides the point a tad, but I dont care.
I have 2 new male friends courtesy of Storm, 2 lovely northern lads. We have come to the conclusion that northern people are friendlier than our southern counterparts. Not that southerns arent friendly but being a northern it's just different, northerners understand me. I will give you a for instance to illustrate my point. I was in the radio studio and had been right royally stitched up by Dave; "so Cat, you are an avid Harry Potter fan" (I HATE IT) So I really had nothing to say, I passed my co presenter and new friend Jack a note saying "Change the subject to Dr Who please?" which he did, ok by just going "DR WHO!" but dug me out of a hole. I then passed him a note that said "I LOVE YOU!" now a southerner would probably have taken me literally, but Jack being northern knew I meant it in a "Thank you" way, which is probably a good thing considering Ive just asked him to marry me about 3 times in one conversation!! I keep telling people I love them today. I told spence twice cos he bought me 2 drinks in Varsity, boys are nice and useful!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fizzy Vegetables

Right time for a quick post before I dash off to save Keira from a pit of critical interpretations. News today-A 63 year old lady is having a baby, Today will be the hottest day of the year and Roasting vegetables is bad for your teeth!
The last one is particulary shocking, did you know that rataouille (spelling!) has the same acidity as a can of pop? Gah! I like rataouille and all...
Things I am doing today... Going to the Pier! I WANT SCONES! then it is the glorious Storm AGM in which I am making a speech. Then it is the social. We have to write Keiras speech yet, we wanted to do one about how she loves pens but Tom wouldnt be a visual aid for us :(
Right well Im off to go enjoy the hottest day of the year :)

Monday, May 01, 2006

"Whats a Swan got to do with snooker?"

Someone had left the oven on all night, the oven is right next to my cupboard. I had warm cereal this morning. I am preparing myself for people harassing with our lovely Storm questionnaires. (For those who dont know, which I dont think is anyone because mainly Storm members read this) We are rebranding our ickle radio station, which involves everything from the colours the logo is, to what kind of music they want us to play...what a thing to put on your CV tho "Hi I rebranded a radio station" yay for University when people give me important jobs to do! hehe
I am sooooo knackered! I was going to have an early night last night which involved my shower then my bed...this was until I received a phone call from a certain tomtom! Needless to say Ray meers, a ice lolly and a bowl of ricicles later I was at his until about 2 am...not good when you have to be up at 10 but Tomtom nice tomtom feed me!
I suppose I should ready myself for the outside world because at the moment it is very apparent that I have just woken up.