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Actual Blog

I thought I should do an actual blog, mainly because I have nothing to do now I have finished being mounted by Spence...
Today I have had an extremely lazy day. I woke up at gone 1, I love my empty flat no body to wake me up! Then I went to Keira's room to watch anastacia with my lovely housmates for next year (barring Alex who has left us sniff...) (its struck me I keep using lovely I should probably use a different adjective other than lovely..)

Maybe the word - 'nice' ? << (Spencer)

shows his limited midland vocab doesnt it children...

I am in the studio with the illustrious (thats like 3 to me I think Dave...wait I dont think you read this... I am using parenthesis waaaay too much!) Jimmy and Spencer because I got a phone call asking for my assistance...that is very different from resistance...and persistance....and omnipitance come to that!
Apparently we are now going for Pizza, because someone mentioned Pizza and made me hungry...so not my fault really...
I must depart abientot xx