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This Blog is purely for Jackjacks benefit...

A Day in the life of Cat....
Wake up at 7 because the people who come to empty the bins are being noisey...And btw if you are gonna wake me up mr men AT LEAST EMPTY THE BIN! CHUH!
Put the radio on to Radio Wales...Go back to sleep...
Wake up at 12...decide its too early...more sleep
Wake up at 2 think "F*ck!"
Get up, have a shower and wash hair so I now smell nice
Have dinner, (God bless dairylea!)
Do work (work smells)
Do more work (work still smells)
Do Laundry (my laundry no longer smells)
More Work
Have a biscuit
Have another biscuit
Have another biscuit...
Have another biscuit...
Go on a mission to the studio
Stay there
Come home :)
Msn until stupid oclock
Wonder why i dont wake up until 2 :)
Gotta sort some stuff proper blog later xx