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How to burn your arm on hair straighteners...

Right, for the many thousands of you who have asked me how I managed to burn my arm on my hair straighteners (which I think I have since broke...) heres how I did it. I was straightening my hair (obviously) and I dropped my glasses...seeing as I cant really see without them I decided it would be a good idea if I put them back on...Cat...Hot object with no seeingness NOT GOOD! I put my straighteners across my legs n bent down for my glasses. However my straighteners were then dangling over my legs and whilst picking up my glasses I caught my arm on the hot bit! OWWWIE!
Anyway...Moving on. Keira has lefted me again! but tis for Cassies 18th so she is excuseded and she is back Monday. I am on no added sugar tonight...I randomly made an appearance last week but Im on it properly this week :)
More Later xx