Laptopless :(
I have found a new way to get fit, break your laptop! I have had to walk to the media centre in order to check my mail this evening which isnt fun. Youre probably wondering why I bothered, and usually I wouldnt but I am going to Manchester tomorrow and needed to check traintimes and the like so I can get back again! Am getting seriously annoyed with the laptop people because we are doing it through my mums insurance its taking absolutely agggges. Me and my laptop are generally inseperable so you can imagine my distress. Another thing that annoys me is computer rooms, people take phone calls in them and its just generally annoying! I much prefer my nice quiet rooms where I dont have to listen to "ooo so and so did this with a hoover and a piece of cheese" Dont these people realise some of us are trying to work, ok so Im not but they dont realise I am not one tof these people now do they! Grrr! I seem very ranty today, probably because I am sleepy which is never good...I went to sleep stupidly early last night, we are tlking like 10 oclock cos as my mummy put it "Id had a long day" I swear she thinks Im about 5! Could be because I havent had caffiene tday, which I normally live off! Hmm should go in search of caffiene and jamas! Gonna go have a nice cup of tea :)
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