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I havent posted in a few days, been such a very very long week!. Firstly-Spence dear, its not a case of poor grammer its just how it tends to come out so :-P...Right now that is out of the way...
Things from today-I BROKE MY GLASSES! I tried to take them off and the arm came off in my hands, Im sooo annoyed cos Im having to wear my other ones now. I look like a girl, its most unnerving. On a different note, Im annoyed. My flat has a new occupant in the shape of one of the flats girlfriends. She used to be here all the time to be fair, but now she lives next door to me! AND SHES SOOO LOUD! I used to have the quietest neighbour in the world. You probably wouldnt believe me if I told you, but I LIKE quiet!! Bah! Im not impressed. As many of you will probably know, I hate my flat, which is why I live in Tegfan with the lovely Keira :)
I am currently talking Mike through our critical interpretation essay, because he hasnt done it bless him. I havent either to be fair... I should really get round to doing that shouldnt I!
My rant of the day is about Labels. We are not tlking labels in clothes because they are infact quite useful...Labels given to people. Im the first to say "o look a group of chavs" etc but the fact that people stereotype really bugs me. This was first drawn to my attention when we were interviewing the candidates for the student elections. A large proportion of the LGBT were standing for positions. Jimmy, who was doing the interview, wanted to ask a question about minorities in power. This REALLY bugged me. These people are standing for the positions because they wanna make a difference to student life. They are not merely standing for the position because they are gay! Another reason I hate labels could be because I dont fit into one! I have been called many things in my time. My personal favourite is "New age, atheistic, tree hugging hippy" which my brother kindly labeled me. I think he meant it with love. Stereotyping bugs me because its saying because someone dresses/looks a certain way they are subject to a load of conventions that they must adhear to. In short its all bollocks.
Rant over.