If you want me, I wont be anywhere...
Im going home tomorrow! Yay! Yay! Etc etc etc Home to my mother bringing me tea on demand, Home to my kiekie (I am supposed to mention her name in the same sentence and prostitute...there you go huni...wait it was prostate...kiekie i think we should see other people!) Ooo and the land where people speak properly. Going t'pub etc is correct grammer as far as Im concerned. For example, the BBC is trying to phase out people with RP accents (Ie southerners lol) for people with more regional accents (like Hugh Edwards with his welshness) We need a news reader with a strong northern accent, anyone who has ever seen Look North (which Im doubting anyone outside keighley has) will have seen the weather man paul hudson. Paul is from my native keighley and speaks properly!!! I suggest all you southerners look into how to talk ala keighley hehe
By the by me and Em were very journalistic today, we interviewed a band called the heights. In traditional Cat and Em style the interview was very random. "your video has lots of animals in it, why?" "Its about when u go out n sleep with a girl when your drunk" "so do you sleep with alot of llamas?" "yeah all the time". I love my job, all I have to do is go and talk to pretty men! and it has to be said the guy was very pretty he has VERY good hair. Anyone who knows me will know hair is an important factor in a guy... Yay
O and just so you know never text me at 530am because I am not in charge of my faculties. Frankie text me, presuming my phone would be on silent. It wasnt because I like people to be able to reach me if they need to (there might be an emergency involving seals i need to know about) Anyway it was telling me about her 530 revelations (shes a very strange girl) And apparently i text back. I dont remember doing this however. I said "L love you, I cant see" I am now sleep texting! I walk in my sleep, I talk in my sleep, I sleep with my eyes open, and now ladies and gentlemen I SLEEP TEXT! *Bows*
I will tlk to you all from the lovely north, I love going home hehe
By the by me and Em were very journalistic today, we interviewed a band called the heights. In traditional Cat and Em style the interview was very random. "your video has lots of animals in it, why?" "Its about when u go out n sleep with a girl when your drunk" "so do you sleep with alot of llamas?" "yeah all the time". I love my job, all I have to do is go and talk to pretty men! and it has to be said the guy was very pretty he has VERY good hair. Anyone who knows me will know hair is an important factor in a guy... Yay
O and just so you know never text me at 530am because I am not in charge of my faculties. Frankie text me, presuming my phone would be on silent. It wasnt because I like people to be able to reach me if they need to (there might be an emergency involving seals i need to know about) Anyway it was telling me about her 530 revelations (shes a very strange girl) And apparently i text back. I dont remember doing this however. I said "L love you, I cant see" I am now sleep texting! I walk in my sleep, I talk in my sleep, I sleep with my eyes open, and now ladies and gentlemen I SLEEP TEXT! *Bows*
I will tlk to you all from the lovely north, I love going home hehe
comin ome ar y'love? back t'north! whooop!
Posted by
Frankie |
12:25 AM
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