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Love is like a oxygen tank...

Today is the day of random analogies. It all started in my poetry class this morning. We were told to list abstract nouns (love, hate, fear DENIAL which is a abstract noun I dont care what she says) then list everyday objects (potato, pencil, lightbulb) We had to describe the every day object then try and match the description to the abstract noun. This is the reason I have been running round for the last hour spouting why Love is like a potato. We are however discounting the fact that Love is like a potato because if you leave it too long it goes green and squishy!!
Today I have a weird urge for Ravioli and Feast ice lollies...not proper ravioli, Tinned and it has to be a plain Feast. If anyone fancies bringing me these items you know where I live! Anyway back to "Love is..." Answers on a postcard please :)

Feasts, with the softness...then the crunchy chocolateness, followed by the crispness of wood...ah

Youre not supposed to eat the wood tomtom!

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Love is like a toilet ..

It has its uses but more often then not love is flushed away like the remains of last nights pizza ....

Ok It didnt quite come out as i meant it .. but you get the drift ..

Btw .. your blog is too pink .. I may have to wear pink resistant clothing next time I read up on what your up to!!!!

How poetic spence ;p

Love is like a potato: you can't eat the leaves, they're poisonous. But boil it, mash it, add some salt and it's love-ly.

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