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I am conducting an experiment...Are Tesco's own fruit shortcakes as good as Mcvities. The answer is shockingly yes they are! Ok so they are slightly different, the shortcake is a little shorter (as in crumblier not as in less tall) and there is a distinct air of mixed peelyness, much like a christmas pudding. Right now my experiment is finished (I had lost my biscuits until today) What else is happening in the world of Cat?
Tomorrow is D day...technically E day....EXAM! bah! It is critical interpretations which is not good. On the plus side the lovely keira has helpeth me so now it should all be ok...hopefully... Tomorrow night is the social, all I can say is THANK GOD (which is a weird thing to say for an agnostic) an evening to relax and have a few drinks with my friends after trying to learn about why TS Elliot believed that the author was not responsible for the text. Bah
Right back to the revision :( Someone come save me? And bring tea!