Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Never Trust Dragons

Ive had a very interesting day, Ive also discovered I am some what of a geek but then I secretly knew that anyway. I bought a Puddle Lane book today, for 20p! I was so very very impressed! (this makes me sad) Do you remember Puddle Lane? I loved it as a kid, we had them all, untill my mum gave them to the school library. You may wonder why a 19 year old needs a childrens book... The reason is simple, it takes me back to being 7. When I was 7 I was convinced Magician was pronounced Ma-Gi-Can because my Dad told me it was, and being 7 I was a very trusting soul. The worrying thing is I feel compelled to buy more now, I think this is the start of a collection...or maybe a compulsion...either way Im not sure its healthy but there ya go.
I then went second hand book shopping. Something you should never let me do! What other sane person is excited by the fact they have found a leather bound Pickwick Papers for 50p?
(ooo the song Im listening to is sung by a lady called Judy Nettles..) I also bought some shakespeare but thats for my next years course...less geeky! As me and kikihead decided yesterday being Geeky is ok, being Nerdy is baaaaaaaaad! Maybe we just decided this to make Tom feel better...;)
Speaking of Tom, I saw the plans for our new radio studio yesterday, it looks sooooo pretty!! Woot for shiney things!
Im going to listen to RockStock now and do some work then I must watch The Wedding Singer...If you ever get chance to see that film, do.

Monday, March 27, 2006

There's Something Wrong With The Sky!

"There's something wrong with the sky" Tomtom informed me as I opened the door to Keira's flat. The fact was, there was something wrong with the sky. It was still light at 8pm. I kindly informed Tom that this was because it was now BST and therefore the clocks had gone forward. Bless boys they can be very silly sometimes hehe
After I have written this I have to write a monolouge and then Im going to start my travel writing piece. I have yet to decide what my monolouge is going to be but my travel writing piece is on Autchwitz. Im such a geek, I got very excited about the fact I bought "Europe on a shoestring" today. Lonely planet are the best travel books, you can forget about "Rough Guides", Lonely planet are genius! I already had the Russian, German and Italian phrasebooks. I also have an Eastern European travel book, for my travels this summer.
My ideal job would be a travel journalist, I love travelling! Best trip ever was Berlin to Krakow on a sleeper train in feburary! Sooo cold! but sooo much fun. Im so weird I love trains! Ive also done Paris-Milan through the alps, that was really pretty and I had an interesting discussion with my darling brother about maize...Speaking of whom Im going to ring home...More later

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I havent posted in a few days, been such a very very long week!. Firstly-Spence dear, its not a case of poor grammer its just how it tends to come out so :-P...Right now that is out of the way...
Things from today-I BROKE MY GLASSES! I tried to take them off and the arm came off in my hands, Im sooo annoyed cos Im having to wear my other ones now. I look like a girl, its most unnerving. On a different note, Im annoyed. My flat has a new occupant in the shape of one of the flats girlfriends. She used to be here all the time to be fair, but now she lives next door to me! AND SHES SOOO LOUD! I used to have the quietest neighbour in the world. You probably wouldnt believe me if I told you, but I LIKE quiet!! Bah! Im not impressed. As many of you will probably know, I hate my flat, which is why I live in Tegfan with the lovely Keira :)
I am currently talking Mike through our critical interpretation essay, because he hasnt done it bless him. I havent either to be fair... I should really get round to doing that shouldnt I!
My rant of the day is about Labels. We are not tlking labels in clothes because they are infact quite useful...Labels given to people. Im the first to say "o look a group of chavs" etc but the fact that people stereotype really bugs me. This was first drawn to my attention when we were interviewing the candidates for the student elections. A large proportion of the LGBT were standing for positions. Jimmy, who was doing the interview, wanted to ask a question about minorities in power. This REALLY bugged me. These people are standing for the positions because they wanna make a difference to student life. They are not merely standing for the position because they are gay! Another reason I hate labels could be because I dont fit into one! I have been called many things in my time. My personal favourite is "New age, atheistic, tree hugging hippy" which my brother kindly labeled me. I think he meant it with love. Stereotyping bugs me because its saying because someone dresses/looks a certain way they are subject to a load of conventions that they must adhear to. In short its all bollocks.
Rant over.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

And the caffiene has hit the fan!

I havent updated in a few days, havent really stopped since I got back.
I was travelling back on a lovely train, I love trains, but that is sooooooo besides the point, and I receive a text message from the lovely tomtom.
This message informed me that he was going to do a 12-3am show, please note 12-3. As I had to be back in the studio at 12 the next day to interview the student candidates I thought this was reasonable. I arrive at the studio about 830, mainly cos I wanted to see people and escape the scaryness that is my flat...And Tom informs me he is infact doing 12am-6am...I wasnt going to do it, they made me ;) I had sooooooo much Tesco Kick I didnt sleep that night.
But OMG soooooooooo much fun! I also did a 2 hour slot on "The Motel" with Harryhead Sarah and Alex. Yay for radio! lol You may get the impression I am slightly obsessed...I am
Oooo I just got informed I am having my hair cut today, which is nice! hehe

Friday, March 17, 2006

"Just Good Friends Means Maybe Next Term"

I have returned from the south, Eurgh! ;) I have a new hoodie though courtesy of my lovely elder brother. Its the cambridge scout and guide association one...You maybe asking yourself "Why does she have that? She doesnt go to cambridge, she isnt a scout, she isnt a guide" which is a very long sentence to be asking yourself and you may wish to look at your punctuation. I will explain. The reason I have said hoodie is because the back of it is covered in choice phrases. "There is always time for a hug" "If in doubt wear thermals" "Happiness is your own box of Jaffa Cakes" etc etc. Also written on the back is "Just good friends means maybe next term" which is where inspiration for my Blog title came from (Senses all her male friends breathing a huge sigh of relief) Im sure I had something else profound to mention tonight, I have discovered a dislike for pink jelly beans...ok not really profound but it is quarter past midnight!
Another thing I have noticed is that I am allergic to my hair dye, which means I currently have itchy rashyful neck! Meh! Me needs my E45 cream :)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Does No One Care Anymore?

I realise I have already posted today but I have to voice my total disgust at something that happened today. I was in Bradford train station about 730 this evening, which I must admit isnt the nicest of places to be. Me and my friend were trying to work out when our next train home was when a man rushed past us shouting. A lil confused we turned around to see what was going on (and the fact I am naturally inquisative) The man then grabbed a woman who promptly started screaming. We originally thought "O they know each other, it must just be a random personal dispute" so were just going to let it be. But something wasnt quite right. Then the woman began to scream "HELP ME IM BEING RAPED" To which I decided I didnt care it was nothing to do with me I couldnt just leave this poor woman. I went into the station and told the only person of any authority who was about...
me-"Hi theres a woman outside being attacked"
the man looked at me like I had just fallen out of a tree
him-"Whos being attacked?
Surely this was not the point
Me-"A woman outside, shes screaming rape"
Frankie-"Can you not hear her?"
Man, not caring "Oh I cant hear anything haha"
Me-"Well shes screaming just outside, some guy it attacking here"
Man-"Ill go outside when Ive done this"

Obviously writing a ticket takes presidence over the woman to this man! He obviously thought I was lying- because I am a young person? Because I was dressed in a casual way? Because I was wearing a hat?
He didnt seem to be really bothered, the people in the queue were more concerned that I was potentially pusing infront of them and delaying their ticket buying! What is wrong with the world!!
**rant over**

Waiting for a bus

I am literally waiting for a bus, you can tell I have girly priorities, I have my make up on and my hair done but Im still wearing Pj bottoms...Wouldnt be the first time I have gone out in my Pjs tho would it.
And now for a little setting-Im sat in my room at home which is massively pink. Seriously, its like sitting in a giant marshmallow. Am sat on my bed which has pink bedding with my laptop on my knee and my foot on my desk where my laptop should be really. Im also wearing a pink top, seems I am becoming increasingly girly in my old age.
Why am I waiting for a bus, you may well be asking yourself. I dont care if youre not asking because Im going to tell you anyway. I am waiting for a bus because I am off up't frankies house. We are then going t' Bradford (Its not as bad as you all think, really!) And we are going to the cinema. This is what you could call a traditional cat and frankie day out, probably topped off with a happy meal and a big debate with the guy because we have decided we dont like those chips and want THOSE chips, walking back to the train station then deciding we wanna eat food with a hole in it so go back for donuts. Ah good times!
I seem to attract insanity, which is fantastic. I need friends who will not look at me strangely for riding a trolley round tesco or deciding that day I am only going to eat food that begins with S. My riding a trolley round tesco seems to bring out the paternal aspect in people tho.
Tom-"You going to take the trolley back?"
Cat-"WoW can I ride it back?"
Tom-"yes" (5 second pause) "BUT DONT FALL OFF!!!"
People seem to like looking after me. Keira is exactly the same she mothers me something terrible, which is good until she tells me that I cannot have just Vimto for my tea!! Bah
I just received a text from an ex of mine saying that someone in his class likes to wear their girl friends underwear...why I need to know this is beyond me!?! and O i forgot to mention...Im wearing THE HAT :) It is mine forever

Monday, March 13, 2006

Today I went to Asda, why is it called Asda? Thats a very silly none word BAH Ive just had a very horrible realisation. Im old! Im giving a friend of mine a lecture on how he should go to school. Does make me feel very sorta, Older siblingy which is very odd for me cos Ive always been the baby. Right I have work to do but I am craving a bath. I mean CRAVING but this could just because I dont wanna do my work. The thing is its writing autobiographical type stuffs which is all very well and good but I dont particulary like looking into the past let alone writing about it, ah cest la vie.
I want jelly beans!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

"Cool, Its snowing, Kinda like a blank canvas!"

The immortal words of one Joey Tribianni in Friends. I woke up this morning to find 6inches of snow, Ok I woke up this afternoon to find 6inches of snow but come on it is Sunday. I am currently at home, which is fantastic but Im going to head back to Bangor before the novelty wears off tho. For those of you who are remotely interested I will be returning about 8pm on Sat :) Lovely long train ride. Im strange and I really enjoy long train journys. Mp3 player and a book and Im sorted which is probably a good job considering how far I live away from uni.
I really dont have that much to say really. Im currently enjoying the comforts of having my entire CD Collection, all my books (I have a new bookcase which is very exciting to a geek like me) and I am about to go indulge in the longest bath ever then a movie.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

If you want me, I wont be anywhere...

Im going home tomorrow! Yay! Yay! Etc etc etc Home to my mother bringing me tea on demand, Home to my kiekie (I am supposed to mention her name in the same sentence and prostitute...there you go huni...wait it was prostate...kiekie i think we should see other people!) Ooo and the land where people speak properly. Going t'pub etc is correct grammer as far as Im concerned. For example, the BBC is trying to phase out people with RP accents (Ie southerners lol) for people with more regional accents (like Hugh Edwards with his welshness) We need a news reader with a strong northern accent, anyone who has ever seen Look North (which Im doubting anyone outside keighley has) will have seen the weather man paul hudson. Paul is from my native keighley and speaks properly!!! I suggest all you southerners look into how to talk ala keighley hehe
By the by me and Em were very journalistic today, we interviewed a band called the heights. In traditional Cat and Em style the interview was very random. "your video has lots of animals in it, why?" "Its about when u go out n sleep with a girl when your drunk" "so do you sleep with alot of llamas?" "yeah all the time". I love my job, all I have to do is go and talk to pretty men! and it has to be said the guy was very pretty he has VERY good hair. Anyone who knows me will know hair is an important factor in a guy... Yay
O and just so you know never text me at 530am because I am not in charge of my faculties. Frankie text me, presuming my phone would be on silent. It wasnt because I like people to be able to reach me if they need to (there might be an emergency involving seals i need to know about) Anyway it was telling me about her 530 revelations (shes a very strange girl) And apparently i text back. I dont remember doing this however. I said "L love you, I cant see" I am now sleep texting! I walk in my sleep, I talk in my sleep, I sleep with my eyes open, and now ladies and gentlemen I SLEEP TEXT! *Bows*
I will tlk to you all from the lovely north, I love going home hehe

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And another little llama...

Water water everywhere, etc etc I have managed to turn my sink pink (notice the rhyme) which is probably not a good thing. Apple and Blackcurrant juice again! i have a half empty bottle in my bathroom (as that is where the tap is, so now seems less weird) A full undiluted bottle on my windowsill (the windowsill is cold) A half empty diluted bottle on my desk and another empty bottle on my windowsill. I realise you probably didnt want to/necessarily need to know this but I thought giving you a little more information as to my setting then you would feel more at home.
Have had a very stressful day, as anyone who has seen me today will know! Involved one of my lecturers loosing one of my grades, F**ktard anyway it is all sorted now which is good, I sent him a very angry email and he was very apologetic hehe So he bloody well should be!
Gah I have just seen the time and I am supposed to be going out tonight, ah I have all tomorrow to do work dont I :) Am discussing programme ideas with Harryhead hehe And that draws the end to a very pointless blog,
Goodbye and thanks for all the fishxx

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Jelly Beans :)

I have returned :) Havent updated in a few days, Im not exactly sure what i have been doing (If anyone can tell me...) I am at the moment procrastinating because I REALLLY dont want to have to do my work, to be fair its not even like I have that much to do as I am spacing my work out hehe I am also drinking Apple and Blackcurrant juice, I need to cut down, I drank about a litre of the stuff yesterday.
One thing is concerning me though, if you read peoples like spences blog they have a point! He makes political observations whereas mine I just prattle on about the wonder that is cheese! or the fact I am avoiding something that I should probably be doing. Ooo I am amazed all the work I have to do is all in a lovely pile next to me, which, if you have seen my room, is nothing short of a miracle! I really must get round to cleaning and tidying in here as I am going home on Fri and cant leave the place this much of a mess! I also have to put in a form saying "excuse me mr man but my toilet seat is broken!" I swear they are the crappest toilet seats in the world!! roll on next year with my lovely house with lovely no breaking toilet seats, (watch it break now just to spite me)
I really am looking forward to next year, Halls have been ok but I would prefer to live with people I actually like! I was reminded about how much better next year is going to be when my flat came in at 3am this morning singing "I know a song that will get on your nerves" MEEEH! also next year I will be living near the lovely Spence and Tom. Speaking of which I went to tescos with them last night so I have jelly beans which I am now going to eat :) I need to decide who I am going to biographise too...isnt that a good word!