Monday, October 30, 2006

What Spencer did next...


Bun making, look at the concentration on his face...

In a library...

Im in a library and what else do you do in a library apart from write a blog. Im teasing Spencer via the wonderful medium of MSN. Hes sat over there **points** and there was a lady sat there. Theres not now.

Im in a slightly random mood, had a super fun weekend... (Pictures to follow later...) My housemates abandoned me so I have been being looked after by Spencer, making sure I am fed and clothed etc (Btw theres now another lady in the space where the lady was before)
We made buns, buns are fun! they were thomas the tank engine buns numnums

^^^^ I dont know what i just did

Newspaper meeting now!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I thought I would do an actual blog. A more upbeat blog, my brother complained that I had been using the word "meh" a lot recently so this blog will not contain the word, not counting that time because I had to use it to illustrate and....o poo

What UPBEAT things have happened?
I now have a news team YAY! I have 15 victims...I mean help me do news on Storm :) Yay for people

Spencer just fed me pancakes, I like pancakes and they had mapley syrupyness on...mmmmm pancakes!!

Umm... I cant think of more things,


Some t*at pulled a toilet off the wall and flooded the studio. Bastards!


Someone isnt happy...BUBBLES!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

They would not listen, they did not know how...perhaps theyll listen now....

Tonight was the end of an era. Tonight Spencer officially stood down as station manager by making a speech at the general meeting. All the hard work, the effort, everything...culminated into a 3 minute speech. Spence likened it to a wake and I have to agree. He, understandabley, was very emotional but I have to say I dont think he was the only one.
I feel very mehish at the moment, well more deflated than anything. How did it all come to this? The Storm family....everyone seems to hate each other.
I dont really have anything else to say on the subject.

Short and Sweet...

Can everyone PLEASE stop acting like they are 5?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Smear an avacado on my lower portions...

The title has nothing to do with what Im gnna blog about. Have you ever had just one of those days?
Today Spencer stepped down as station manager, for...from what I can tell none existant people being mad at him. He had other reasons aswell but either its been a case of chinese whispers n things being blown out of proportion or some people are totally spineless. Im obviously not impressed by this, I dont like bullying, I dont like personal attacks and I dont like ungratefulness. This is the last Im going to say on the matter but Spencer spent all summer going to meetings, trying to find sponsers, finding money so we can actually HAVE a studio and then this happens. The storm exec will be a worse off place without him.
Lets let this be the end of it, Stress is bad for my stomach.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Apparently I look like I wanna spank someone...

I need to buy a top hat...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Update for my "Very Pink" Blog...

It's quite startling how many people actually read your blog without your knowledge you know, apparently there should be a picture of me...well Im not exactly sure how to do that...which is why there isnt, look on my myspace if you are that desperate lol

Lets see what has been happening in the world of me...

We have started lectures again (woot) which is good because I actually have something to do YAY

We have the internet...well obviously...home hub now working yay

I am apparently stressed, according to the dr, nice to know they seem to know more about whats going on in my head than me...

I also seem to have found a liking for dots :)

Ok Im going to have to sit up now because laying like this is hurting


Monday, October 09, 2006

Band Wagon...

'What will your obituary say?' at