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Back in Bangor

I just realised how long it has been since I actually posted anything, so thought I would...also I am very bored and sat in a computer room cos we dont have our own net yet but we will by Friday, yay for Fridays!

I am currently feeling very very out of this I know is nothing very out of the ordinary but my brain seems to have ceased to work...ah well...

What of interest has happened, well obviously we have moved into our house which is lovely. It had to be scrubbed from top to bottom but once that was done there has been much dancing on sofas and ben and jerrys and watching of pointless countdown shows.

We are just about to have our toilet seat delivered so Im going to head home... I will update properly when I have the time and inclination lol xx

Yeah the toilet seat was delivered but it was muggins here who had to spend part of the afternoon bent over the toilet with some pink/orange two-tone Ikea rubber gloves and a monkey wrench trying to remove the old seat and attach the new one.

But now we can relieve ourselves in comfort :)

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