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Now a written blog...
Today it seemed everyone wanted to see me on the same day! So I had lunch in Varrrrrrsity (its official pronounciation) with the lovely Keira, where we ran into the lovely Alex and his lovely boyfriend Jay. Then I went to meet Dave (who is now marbee for reasons I wont go into) and we had lovely scones on the pier and talked for ages. I know I keep banging on about this but I MISS NORTHERN BOYS they are a different species! and we had a fantastically weird and wonderful conversation centering mainly on Badgers. Then we went to watch the Storm boys play football, where JackJack turned purple, which is a sight to behold!
Then there was edit suiting then drinking and much pool playing!
On a slightly more poo note, I was woken up at some unearthly hour by the flat! THEY ARE LEAVING SATURDAY!! YAY!!! So party round mine then?? lol xxx

What does it mean, Mambee, please ? I just want to know (I am not English or American.) Thanks

What does it mean, Mambee ? I just want to know, i am not English or American. Thaks a lot for answer ! Bye, Frédéric.

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