Monday, February 19, 2007

Air Guitar...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Who is Sam Burnett?

We asked 56 people who Sam Burnett was...6 knew. Now I may be wrong here but shouldnt the Students Union President be known by more that that? He does represent us afterall! If you read his blog he disagrees...naturally.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Radio Dinners

I have had the busiest weekend in the world, Storm is back on air! which is very yay! but now the work begins for the rest of us. I have a "The Forum" planned for tomorrow because I have to plan now seeing as I have 3 lectures tomorrow :(

Also today (thats not very grammatically correct is it...) Spencer's Mummy and Trevor came up and took us out for sunday lunch (Thanks again, it was very yummy!) and we went in a drive in their shiney car to...wait for it...TESCOS! but we got chocolate pudding so beggars cant be choosers!

Today I learnt that my boyfriend steals train think you know someone!

Today I have been mostly...

At the moment I am sat in the studio doing work whilst Spencer and Jimmy do SNL! This is what I can see at the moment...


The face says it all....